Monday, March 16, 2009

The Electric Kool-Aid Credit Crisis

The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.

Like so many of you in this Chinese opium den, I have avoided a thorough consideration of "The Subprime Mortgage Crisis" and its myriad economic implications. Twice I've plunged headfirst into Vanity Fair's comprehensive Fannie Mae article only to grasp frantically for antipsychotics when the trip got too heavy.

This animation was put together by an experienced head after a life-changing trip to Tibet. Using techniques taught to him by an elderly Sherpa hedge fund consultant, the animator guides us through the doors of perception and around the detritus of collateralized debt obligations. Just as the fantastic melts into phantasmagoria, enlightenment saturates the astral plane like foreclosures flooding the housing market.


Hey, this animation effectively breaksdown the credit crisis for those unfamiliar with financial terminology. Check it out.


Jessica said...

i'm so glad you found this because i was just talking about it to someone!

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